Full Notice

Planning and Development (Housing) and Residential Tenancies Act 2016

Planning and Development (Strategic Housing Development) Regulations 2017

Notice of Strategic Housing Development

Application to An Bord Pleanála

Cairn Homes Properties Ltd., intend to apply to An Bord Pleanála for permission for a strategic housing development on lands within the townlands of Cookstown & Powerscourt Demesne, Cookstown Road, Enniskerry, Co. Wicklow on a site with an overall area of c. 6.57 hectares.

The development will consist of the construction of 165 no. dwellings and associated ancillary infrastructure as follows:

A) 105 no. 2 storey houses (49 no. 3 bedroom houses [House Types B, B1, & B2], 56 no. 4 bedroom houses [House Types A, D, E & E1];

B) 56 no. apartments/duplex apartments in 6 no. 3 storey buildings – (28 no. 2 bedroom apartments and 28 no. 3 bedroom duplex apartments) all with terrace;

C) 4 no. 1 bedroom ‘Maisonette’ dwellings in a 2 storey building;

D) Part 2-storey and single storey creche (c. 510 sq. m - including storage);

E) Open space along southern boundary of c. 0.93 hectares [with pedestrian connections to boundary to ‘Lover’s Leap Lane’ to the south and to boundary to the east and west], hard and soft landscaping (including public lighting) and open space (including boundary treatment), communal open space for duplex apartments; regrading/re-profiling of site where required [including import/export of soil as required] along with single storey bicycle/bin stores and ESB substation;

F) Vehicular access (including construction access) from the Cookstown Road from a new junction as well as 313 no. car parking spaces and 150 no. cycle spaces;

G) Surface water attenuation measures and underground attenuation systems as well as connection to water supply, and provision of foul drainage infrastructure (along the Cookstown Road to existing connection at junction with R760) and provision of underground local pumping station to Irish Water specifications;

H) 3 no. temporary (for 3 years) marketing signage structures [2 no. at the proposed entrance and 1 no. at the junction of the R760 and the Cookstown Road] and a single storey marketing suite (c. 81 sq.m) within site;

I) All ancillary site development/construction/landscaping works, along with provision of footpath/public lighting to Powerscourt National School pedestrian entrance and lighting from Powerscourt National School entrance to the junction of the R760 along southern side of Cookstown Road and pedestrian crossing across Cookstown Road.

The application contains a statement setting out how the proposal will be consistent with the objectives of the Wicklow County Development Plan 2016-2022 and the Bray Municipal District Local Area Plan 2018-2024.

The application contains a statement indicating why permission should be granted for the proposed development, having regard to a consideration specified in section 37(2)(b) of the Planning and Development Act, 2000, as amended, notwithstanding that the proposed development materially contravenes a relevant development plan or local area plan other than in relation to the zoning of the land.

An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the proposed development. The application together with the Environmental Impact Assessment Report may be inspected, or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, during public opening hours at the offices of An Bord Pleanála and Wicklow County Council. The application may also be inspected online at the following website set up by the applicant: www.CookstownroadSHDplanning.com

Any person may, within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by An Bord Pleanála of the application and on payment of the prescribed fee of €20 (except for certain prescribed bodies), make a submission or observations in writing to An Bord Pleanála, 64 Marlborough Street, Dublin 1 or online at www.pleanala.ie, relating to the implications of the proposed development, if carried out, for proper planning and sustainable development in the area or areas concerned, and the likely effects on the environment or the likely effects on a European site, as the case may be, of the proposed development, if carried out. Submissions or observations duly made will be considered by An Bord Pleanála in making a decision on the application. Such submissions or observations must also include the following information:

(a) the name of the person, authority or body making the submission or observations, the name of the person, if any, acting on behalf of that person, authority or body, and the address to which any correspondence relating to the application should be sent,

(b) the subject matter of the submission or observations, and

(c) the reasons, considerations and arguments on which the submission or observations is or are based.

An Bord Pleanála may grant permission for the strategic housing development as proposed, or may grant permission subject to such modifications as it specifies in its decision, or may grant permission in part only, with or without any other modifications it may specify in its decision, or may refuse to grant permission for the proposed development. An Bord Pleanála may attach to a grant of permission such conditions as it considers appropriate.

Any enquiries relating to the application process should be directed to the Strategic Housing Development Section of An Bord Pleanála (Tel. 01-8588100). A person may question the validity of a decision of An Bord Pleanála by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with sections 50 and 50A of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (No. 30 of 2000), as amended. Practical information on the review mechanism can be found in the Judicial Review Notice on the An Bord Pleanála website: www.pleanala.ie or on the Citizens Information Service website: www.citizensinformation.ie.